The Beatdown: 10/16/2015. Catholic at South Mecklenburg


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2003
Parts Unknown
South Meck is like Dorothy in Wizard of Oz watching the sand fall through the hourglass crying for help because there's nothing she can do alone. Too bad there won't be a scarecrow or tin man to save you Friday. Get ready for a serious reality check.

I understand the singular importance of a QB to any HS team's overall health but a school like South Meck with the ridiculously high student body they possess should have been able to adjust. West Meck isn't average, they're a joke.

Unfortunately for Sabre lovers, best Catholic team in ten years. Sorry Charlie. South will feel it Friday like they always do. Keep your spray paint to yourselves this time as well or we might have to tag that joke rock and student parking with a special message after we beat your putty Knives into a bowl of oatmeal on your field then walk off it with our cheerleaders AND yours!! Remember, cheerleaders like winners AND men. I'm surprised SM have any left at all.

Post that in your locker room for motivation CHUMPS. Won't make any difference. 6-2 Saturday morning. That's all you've got coming Friday night.

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