Swain Live feed


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2013
starting off sucking and getting worse ... but better than last week
I'm all for paying to watch on the web ... good for the program just like paying for ticket ... But good night you should be able to watch the game ... would be glad to pay twice the price to watch but would like to see the game
I guess the only way to watch the game will be on huddle tomorrow ... and its FREE
this is some b.s. for sure . I know they need to raise money and all that.... but wnc games have been on the radio for years..
this is a lot like Obama care ... you pay more and get a lot less
yeah I'm all for paying but this is worse than it's ever been ... watched on the Cube second half of last year GREAT coverage was thinking the pay site this year would be good foe the program (more $) but you can't watch a ballgame so far
yup ... I think I'll wright my congressman ... wait that wont work either ... I guess i'll just sit here and want in one hand and spit in the other and see which fills up first :mad:
I like Swain but you need to get an official clock operator. Failed to run the clock on the Tuscola FG after the dead ball with 4.9 seconds to go in the 2nd. FG was good and we still have 4.9 seconds when we kickoff. Officials never had time run off. Play clocks went out in the 3rd but were never turned off.

Horridly officiated game. Linesman called an ineligible down field on Tuscola on a running play in the 1st quarter. Coach Pursley had to take a time out to get the referee to explain to him to wave off the flag and put the ball back on the Swain 11. Little did we know that wasn't going to be his worst call.

2:34 to go on the 2nd qtr. Tuscola RB knocked down in bounds, slides out of bounds, linesman stops the clock but clock operator doesn't stop it. Coach Pursley begins arguing for time to be put back on, about 30 secs. Gets flagged for unsportsmanlike then the referee hits him with another one when he finally comes over to talk to him at the sideline. That makes two and he's tossed.

Despite all that hard fought win for the Mountaineers.

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