Well Raider fans we have two more practice games before the season begins. One traveling practice game in southeast Gastonia and another in Mount Holly. This should give us time to get a few stretches in after a long week off. Time to perfect the fullback dive and the so-called Midget knee dives.Perhaps ....maybe even a few passes. Sure hope the concession stand lines are not too long. I would hate to miss too much of these games. Really!!!???
Not sure if i will actually go to these games or stay at home and count the fleas on my dogs. Either way the numbers will be high and one-sided. I expect a running clock by at least the third quarter.in Gastonia and half time in Mount Holly. Going to be hard waiting two more weeks to see my Raiders challenged. That will be a fun game and I heard they have some good eats on the way up.
Not sure if i will actually go to these games or stay at home and count the fleas on my dogs. Either way the numbers will be high and one-sided. I expect a running clock by at least the third quarter.in Gastonia and half time in Mount Holly. Going to be hard waiting two more weeks to see my Raiders challenged. That will be a fun game and I heard they have some good eats on the way up.