Smc tournament


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2015
Nothing against Andrews but after visiting last night and realizing the conf tournament is gonna be there , I feel like that gym is way way to small... If the cherokee teams reach the final it's gonna be a bad scene cause a lot of people are not gonna be able to watch .. Just this year at the cherokee robbinsville game there was over 2k people... It looks like Andrews might hold 600...
Yes it is too small. I think the solution is to play at Western Carolina University. I think we should satellite the first round at the higher seeds and then have the semi finals and finals at WCU. I don't think the conference would ever vote to go to a larger gym within the conference every year.
I know what your saying but its been this way for years. Our gym and facilities are small. It will make it real interesting for the top teams to be on a neutral court though. I would like to see the Championship played at WCU. Its a experience that I know I will never forget.
I think the SMC Tournament should be played at Cherokee every year!
It really would make sense!
Make sense for who?

Continue to rotate it or have the semi's and championship at a neutral site like WCU, even though I hate the large venue for high school games. Completely kills the atmosphere in my opinion.
Yes and Duke and Carolina would love for the ACC Tournament would be played on their home court. Lol Cherokee has the best facility in the State but with their excellent program it would give them to much of a edge. The SMC has had many years of packed crowds in small gyms and it will be a problem for many more years unless the other schools besides Hayesville and Cherokee build new gymnasiums. Be glad everyone is not driving to Rosman, no disrespect to Rosman.
Well my point was Andrews is just to small .. Swain was ok last year and rosman the year before ...
Your point was valid as well. Andrews has a small facility. But the rotation is fair to all schools at this point.
I couldn't even find a seat at swai county last year. No bigger than Andrews! Events like Track and CC are held at same school tear after year!!

I say basketball is Cherokeee!!!
It's ridiculous to think that Cherokee would be allowed to have the tourney every year. They're catching enough flack for not using "smc" refs. Let it be for the moment and just make sure to get there early if Cherokee does make it to the finals of the tourney. I do like the idea of having satellite games and the wcu idea though.
Ok, I give up. Just trying to offer up the Cherokee Arena " for the good of the Conference"!
Nice big Arena and everyone shares in the profits during the tournament.

Last time I will try to do something to help out you guys!!
Lol. Mont is truly a man for the people.

Back in the day there for a stretch it was at Cherokee every year at the old school.
Originally posted by gal durnit:
Make sense for who?

Continue to rotate it or have the semi's and championship at a neutral site like WCU, even though I hate the large venue for high school games. Completely kills the atmosphere in my opinion.
You are right about the atmosphere. Didn't WCU just renovate Reid gym? I don't know if it is able to host basketball games but it would be ideal if it did. In the late 80's or early 90's the conference would hold the finals there. I wish we could again. I also was a student there in the Steve Cottrell era and Reid would rock and roll, especially when Bobby Cremins and App came to town.
Maybe we should pull a gentry and say everyone else is jealous and they should catch their gyms up .... Lol sarcasm there...

Hit the nail on the head! I say we vote to have'em all at Cherokee. Then pull a Gentry. Tell'em they go to get better! (Facilities).
I'm sure now that you will soon have a casino in Cherokee County , Murphy and Andrews Highschool would graciously accept donations to improve said facilities .
That was a joke about gentry .. Not so serious wnc ... But really the conference doesn't run the conference track meet at all the schools because they don't have facilities enough to hold it ... There is no reason to to put it at a school that can only hold 600 people when their will be double the amount fans there ..I'm just bringing up a point for us to talk about .. Lol
I believe everyone is agreeing on the situation. Andrews is undersized to take on a tourney. There just isn't the capacity. Cherokee is the only school that was built tournaments in mind. 4 gyms running from the elementary to high school not stating the gyms in every community and the old high school. So yes it is the only suitable destination in conference. But the nail has already been hit. Cherokee is doing very well so it is a clear advantage to host the tourney at home. WCU and again everyone agreeing is the best neutral site and central site for all SMC schools. I love the idea of the first games being played in a place like Andrews and then Championship in the Whee. I know track had moved the SMC to Cullowhee for a couple of years. But I do agree it'll make everyone happy. No one has the luxury of a new school with an abundance of gyms like Cherokee so everyone can only do with what they have not their fault. Going back to Swain last year, seating in there was pretty bad as well. Nothing against the Cherokee loyal but when they are good they are bringing the whole Nation to cheer. I think it is great to see support like that and their fans definitely are proud but these small gyms and decent sized gyms are busting out the seams when they come to town. There rematch against R'ville is going to be nuts to butts so gonna have to grab seats early in the tournament especially if all their teams make a run like last year. I believe 3 out the 4 were playing in the Championship so you get there 10-15 minutes late your watching from the door. Again I am glad to see that following and I am not saying they are the only ones that loyal I just know right now every game it seems to be packed to the gills. I know nothing will come to fruition this year for the Whee but I would love for the coaches and everyone get together and push to make it happen. I vote the Whee!!
I agree with that ... I also agree that the atmosphere that is crazy on the champ night would be lost ... I also am with you that if both cherokee teams make it it's gonna be a nightmare
Originally posted by Michigan Bearcat:
Have Franklin and Smoky Mountain high schools ever been considered as neutral sites for the SMC tournament?
Yes, but they really do not want to give up their gym as they also prepare for the playoffs.
Originally posted by Michigan Bearcat:
Have Franklin and Smoky Mountain high schools ever been considered as neutral sites for the SMC tournament?

Smoky Mountain's gym wasn't really bigger than your average SMC gym until they opened the new one this year. But I think the bigger issue is that the SMC tournament drags on for like a week and a half, and starts when schools outside the SMC still have a few regular season games left, so needing their own gym for their last home games would interfere with a non-SMC school being a neutral host site.
It seems most people agree on the fact that gyms like Andrews, Swain, etc. are simply too small of a venue to play host to the SMC Tournament. It has also been mentioned that a venue the size of WCU is maybe too big and might take away from that "high school" game feeling. I'm sure the suggestion that Cherokee should host the tournament every year was thrown out somewhat 'tongue and cheek' but it does make some sense. Their arena would be the perfect size for the tournaments, so not enough or too much space wouldn't be an issue. Cherokee is more or less in a central location and would eliminate extreme travels to places like Rosman and Murphy. Another key factor to consider here is the fact that Cherokee offers a destination venue. With places like Harrah's there are more than enough accommodations for out of town guests. As long as the bank is divided fairly amongst schools I really don't see any problems here. Just my 2 cents on this discussion!
It used to be at Cherokee every year at the old school and it wasn't any more seating than any other gym. I personally think Cherokee has the best facility along with Hayesville but the cool factor is a change of venue every year in my opinion.
I could care less either way,but Hayesville makes as much sense as Cherokee and is the only other gym or ''arena'' in the SMC that is big enough to handle crowd.
In my opinion the rotation needs to stay as it is,when it's Andrews or Rosman's turn,deal with it.
Great idea gal and roadglide. Well there we have it folks... after much input and careful consideration, the SMC Tournament shall be alternated between Cherokee and Hayesville every year!
Not Hayesville ... Awful gym to watch game ... I'll say cherokee every year
Cherokee was the host when Polk and Hendersonville were in the conference. It was chosen as a central location. I don't believe we will every see a set location at a conference school again. I believe we will either keep the location or go to a neutral site.
I agree with BravesᏣᎳᎩ, Hayesville isn't a better venue. It looks the part but as far as seating it is like Robbinsville, your legs are cramped and once you get seated you better be comfortable or good at holding your bladder because you cannot get out of your seat. I think again WCU is the best solution.
Here is my solution other than WCU. Satellite 1st round games at higher seeds. Go to smoky mt/ franklin on the following Tuesday. Girls semi finals at 4 and 5:30, boys semifinals at 7 and 8:30. Come back on Saturday for the finals at 6 and 7:30. This way the host would only have to give up their gym on one practice night and they may have a road game that night. Probably never work but look at the advantages. Bigger first round crowds due to less travel for the higher seeds. No extra days rest for the teams that play first. 2 super nights of basketball. No home court advantage in the semis and finals for anyone.

A more practical solution might be to have the girls final on Thursday and the men on Friday and stay in the rotation. The conference should love this, it means more money.
Some great ideas here guys, there's only one solution that makes sense: CHEROKEE ARENA!!

I know everyone is going to say unfair advantage to Braves, but let's be realistic, how many years are the Braves going to be 18-0' (boys and girls)????
They might have slight advantage, but in most years it would not be a deal breaker!!
Originally posted by Mont1963:
Some great ideas here guys, there's only one solution that makes sense: CHEROKEE ARENA!!

I know everyone is going to say unfair advantage to Braves, but let's be realistic, how many years are the Braves going to be 18-0' (boys and girls)????
They might have slight advantage, but in most years it would not be a deal breaker!!
It doesn't make sense to the other 6 schools. A few years ago when Cherokee was used as the central site for the expanded conference, many of the school were not happy.
I'll second recycled2. Give the host school the championship limits the crowds to one day so you won't have the mundane seating fiasco. As I am one for the Cherokee as an in conference host from the capacity stand point it just seems other schools won't agree. I know Cherokee will have a down year here and there like everyone, I see schools arguing over it still. Haha loved th Gentry reference about get better "arenas" but don't see an agreement happening.
You all whine about having to travel to Rosman, yet, year in and year out, Rosman has the highest travel distances and travel times, yet you never hear us complain. Quit your whining and man-up. I'd personally love to see a neutral venue such at WCU, or maybe even Smoky Mtn HS, because that shortens our travel considerably. But we will play wherever, whenever, and we even will travel despite the inclement weather.
I just want to see it at Cherokee to watch a grown man cry~~ (gal durnit) LOL
Originally posted by snake52:
You all whine about having to travel to Rosman, yet, year in and year out, Rosman has the highest travel distances and travel times, yet you never hear us complain. Quit your whining and man-up. I'd personally love to see a neutral venue such at WCU, or maybe even Smoky Mtn HS, because that shortens our travel considerably. But we will play wherever, whenever, and we even will travel despite the inclement weather.
Snake, you missed the point. It is not about travel, it is about the seating capacity of the gyms.

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