SMC picks contest!


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2012
I got tired of waiting for BK and went ahead and set this up. BK, if you want to run a pick'em, that's fine with me, since you do have first call on it. I can drop this one with no problem. But just in case you don't, let's get this thing going! :D

Thanks to tvilledawg and ObserveAndReport, this contest uses a new scoring system. You pick the number of points you want for each game (starting out with from 1 to 5 for all games), and the winner. If your team wins, you score your chosen number of points. If they lose... you LOSE that number of points. Same scoring system as Jeopardy uses. This should keep things interesting up through the end of the year.

It looks like this:

         1       5 6       10
Visitor  O O O O O O O O O O Home

There are 10 radio buttons (the O's in the diagram) between Visitor and Home, numbered 1 to 10 (that's what Google will let me do). Clicking on button #1 is a 5-point pick for the Visitors. Button #10 is a 5-point Home pick. #5 is a 1-point Visitor pick, and #6 is a 1-point Home pick. And so on....

All the SMC games will be in, and three other games: a WNC game (from the WHC, WNCAC, or MAC), a non-SMC 1A game, and OMD's Game of the Week (which scores double your point pick, from 2 to 10).

Here's the link to the Week 1 games:

I'm using Google Forms to run the contest, so you will need a Google account to play if you don't already have one (but I bet most of you do, if you use Gmail or Google Docs). If you don't have one, it's free.

Surveys are anonymous, so you have to give your Preps user name. We're working on the honor system. Only submit for yourself! :)

You only get one entry, but you can change your picks up till the deadline (which is 30 minutes before the scheduled start time of the earliest game that week).

Good luck to all players!
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I like it should be very interesting,you guys up in SMC country have the advantage over me right now because some of those teams I have no clue about lol,I've filled mine out already,it seemed kinda confusing when I first read about it,but I got it now after reading it over several times lol
lol, sorry, didn't mean to be confusing... if you can help me explain it better, I'm all ears :)

I don't recognize quite a few of the opposing teams myself. Many of them don't seem to have been around long... charter schools and private schools and such, so the SMC folks are not too far ahead of everybody else in that department :)

The games of the week shouldn't be too unfamiliar though...
I have tried to find someone to take over the SMC picks all summer. Good luck and thinks.
This week's games:

Andrews at Brevard
Robbinsville at Smoky Mtn.
Trinity Academy at Cherokee
Hayesville at Towns County, GA
Shannon Forest, SC at Rosman
Swain at Hapeville Charter
Hendersonville at Murphy
Franklin at Asheville (WNC GotW)
Starmount at Mt. Airy (1A GotW)
South Point at Crest (OMD's GotW--Double Jeopardy!)

Play here:
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I'm trying to think of ways to keep the scoring up once conference play starts and the number of games drops. Probably the easiest thing to do would be to make all the conference games worth double, since there are 2 SMC teams playing in each one. That way we'd have Single Jeopardy (non-conference part of the season) and Double Jeopardy (conference season). There'd still be about the same number of points in play each week that way.

I feel more like Art Fleming already...

... go here to become a contestant for Week 1:

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