Slash's Week 10 Power Poll/Game Picks

Slasher Killer

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
Ahh yes I'm back again..

1.Mount Airy

MA had an easy go with the Wing T last week as they walloped South in Sauaratown. Expect the same to happen this week even though it’s a spread offense; however WS Prep will be the most athletic team the Granite Bears play for a while so they cannot sleep on them. WSP’s coach seems confident in their chances but time will tell if it’s just his Joe Namath gimmick talking again or the truth.

2.East Wilkes

The Ronda Cards had a nice homecoming last week as they walloped Alleghany from the start and never looked back. This week should be more of a contest as a more competent offense lines up against the Cards. This could be a test for East’s defense who hasn’t had many this year.

3.Wilkes Central

Central had to deal with a hard headed Ashe squad last week but took care of business. This week should be much easier as they face Alleghany who’s trying to put the pieces together to end the season on a better not. WC’s just too loaded for the Trojans to handle across the board. This could be a benchmark for WC’s defense; they could use a shutout or low score allowed game here.

4A.East Surry

The Pilot Cards made easy pickins of WS Prep down in Winston last week. This week they head to Danbury to face a stubborn North Stokes squad who always seems to play up for the Cards. I don’t see East losing here but they cannot afford to slack off any against this team; they will need to put it away early. Could be a career best night for Ray perhaps.

4B.North Surry

Last week the ‘Hounds faced their first real challenge in a long time as Carver dumped their old offense for a new one and played more competent on their homecoming. However push came to shove and ss a result North had to grind it out and earn the win which they did. It was a statement win for North albeit too close. This week it’ll be an interesting case of something else all together as they head to East Bend to play Forbush. Forbush always seems to play North up in these kinds of games. North needs to be ready to play or else it could be another doozy.

4C.West Stokes

The Wildcats had a rather easy homecoming game after a disappointing first quarter over Atkins. This week offers a different test as Surry Central heads to town. This will be a test for West’s defense as they face a more unusual offense than usual. Central has nothing to lose while West does; so this is a definate trap game for the Wildcats before the big one next Friday.

7.Starmount +1

The Rams dominated West Wilkes like I figured they would for Johnson’s 100th win as the HC.The Rams looked like their oldselves as their line dominated the Blackhawks and West’s one man show couldn’t keep up. This week the Rams have North Wilkes; a team that has had it’s number the past few years back and forth after always dominating them in the past. This could be a HUGE win for the Rams if they were to pull it off. NW’s banged up and has it’s weaknesses right now; this could be a perfect time for a statement win. However NW’s offense hasn’t been easy to stop in MVAC play.

8.North Wilkes -1

The Vikings of Hays had a real bizarre outing last Friday. They went up a ton of points early but that was the worst thing for them as Elkin’s pass game came alive in a hurry and made a game out of it. That showed NW’s weakness on defense and their youth. This week won’t be any easier as they have one of the more physical teams in the conference. If Starmount can keep the ball and outhit NW on the line then this could be a down to the wire affair.

9.Ashe County

10.Forbush +1

The Falcons had a solid outing vs.a down and out Surry Central squad last week. However it’s hard to say if this is a consistent sign of them turning it around or not. We will all see tonight as they host North Surry for their homecoming. Forbush always seems to play up for the Greyhounds however it will be a big test for the Falcons tonight. Expect all kinds of wacky playcalls from the Falcons tonight.

11.South Stokes -1

The Sauras were humiliated on their home turf last week as they just couldn’t hang with the Granite Bears in any form. Tonight it will get easier as they line up against Bishop. Bishop’s more to their level so I expect another close outing. Last year their game against Bishop was one of Hall’s few shining moments on varsity and they ground and pounded Bishop all night to one of their 2 wins. For South to win they gotta keep on jaming on defense and put some points up; that’s their weakness this year.


Elkin’s offense came alive very late week to a dominating fashion; however it was too little too late for the Elks who have lost again in conference play. Their defense has shown a lot of weakness the past two weeks as they have given up over 60 points. If the Elks have any chances of anymore wins they gotta get back to how they were earlier in the year. This week they have a good chance of that as they face a very down West Wilkes squad who can’t stop much of anything right now. If Elkin can shut Ortiz down enough and get the pass going they can pull this one off perhaps.

13.Surry Central
14.West Wilkes


The Camels were humiliated last week by their old school conference foe in West Stokes. This week they have a solid chance of redemption as they got a home game (in what shoulda been an away one,) vs. a very young Walkertown squad who’s desperate for any kind of positive game right now. For Atkins to pull this one out they gotta be able to make some stops and put some points up early. Atkins did that last year but they blew it late as Walkertown woke up in the 4th. This year they have the tools to finish it off, but can they?

16.Carver +2

The Yellow Jackets came alive out of nowhere last week as they literally tried everything possible to blow up the Greyhounds parade. However many games of close wins and showboating proved costly to the Jackets as kharma in the form of a Greyhound pulled out an epic final minute stand on their way to their first ever win vs. Carver. However not all is lost for the Jackets. They ditched the Wing T for a spread look and proved compitent for once. However they gotta figure out what offense to run; either the I or spread. But thankfully they are off this week so they can try to do that. The Jackets return to action next week against Surry Central.

17.Alleghany -1

The Trojans tried very hard to come out and frazzle the Ronda Cards last week however that wasn’t in the cards. However I liked what they did; but they gotta keep it going forward. This week won’t be any easier as Wilkes Central be rolling up.

18.Bishop +1

The Villains got a solid shutout last week as North Stokes missed some opportunities to make it closer. This week they got the southern most Stokes team but it won’t be as easy as they are hungry for redemption.

19.WS Prep -2


The Wolfpack’s hungry for a W to end the season on a somewhat good note. However it will take a perfect effort from this young squad to get there. This week they face a team in which they had an epic comeback against last year. Could it be more of the same?

21.North Stokes
Starmount over North Wilkes (Upset Alert)
Atkins over Walkertown
Mount Airy over WSP
East Surry over North Stokes
West Wilkes over Elkin (Could be an upset though.)
West Stokes over Surry Central
South Stokes over Bishop
Wilkes Central over Alleghany
East Wilkes over Ashe

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