Sally Field vs the Field

I mean Forrest Gump Sally was very resilient and could take a pounding without skipping a beat. Plus she raised an All American, I would say that version for sure. .
But Smokey and the Bandit Sally changed out of wedding dress in back seat of Trans Am with t tops doing 90 mph and didn’t blink…
Never could figure out why those clothes didn’t blow away.,.
You all need to be on the lookout for the Lincoln era version Sally Field as well.. that Sally may be old in it but darn it if she isn't full of fire and anger. She'd knock the crap out of people with that inner anger she has in that movie. Poor Abe Lincoln was no match for her 🤣
I'm gonna come clean. I really don't know Sally Fields that much. I was born in 88 so I've only seen her in Forrest Gump, Mrs. Doubtfire, and Homeward Bound. Anything made before those or after those I haven't seen. So I am definitely biased to the Ms. Gump version.
I'm gonna come clean. I really don't know Sally Fields that much. I was born in 88 so I've only seen her in Forrest Gump, Mrs. Doubtfire, and Homeward Bound. Anything made before those or after those I haven't seen. So I am definitely biased to the Ms. Gump version.
Well u didn’t technically “see” her in homeward bound. LoL

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