Rosman needs opponent for 5th play date(3/18/15)


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2001
The Rosman Tigers found out today that Tri-Cities Tennessee has decided not to honor the contract that was signed last season when the Tigers made the trip across the border...

This last minute cancellation has left the Tigers with only a 10 game schedule, so Coach Freddie Whitman is trying to find an opponent for September 18th.....

Looking at the NCPrep Magazine, I found 2A Central Academy of Technology and Arts, 2A West Wilkes and 1A Robbinsville as teams without an opponent on the 5th play date, and also only playing 10 opponents , this year.....Don't know if any of these schools are looking to fill that vacant spot on their schedule or not, but I encourage Any Coach who needs an opponent for Sept 18th to call Coach Whitman or Rosman High School....

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