Richmond game balls..


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2001
My game balls go to the following players...#1 The kid that came off the edge and with great individual effort blocked the first extra point of Dudley....By the way , I think we only had 9 players on the field at the time???....#2 game ball goes to Quintel Goodwin , who was the first running back to get 100 yards this year.....His hard running especially the first half led to 2 early scores for the Raiders......#3 game ball goes to our Defense , especially the front 7.......#34 was side to side ........The offensive line showed some improvement matching up with the tough front of Dudley........Our Wr's seem to be doing a better job of down field blocking.......Got to give some props out to #8 for the int. in the endzone.....I actually thought he was beat for the winning score, but he made a great recovery......The soph kicker did a good job of filling in ...2 for 2......Congratulations to the Raider Coaching staff ...Oh , the fried fish plate was actually almost as good as the win.....I was actually impressed the way Dudley shook hands and acted during and after the game.....Great place to play with a great half time show by the band of Thunder.......Lets get ready for the Bucks..............nuff said....
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