Red Springs running game

I think ur over hype this .I went to both games.Whiteville shut it down an Fairmont did also.z.I know both teams lost.Fairmont fumble on short field result in both TD .Itz a basic running game.To be honest East Bladen haz a better running game. Over hype bad.
I only seen them on film. From what I seen they look good. I am southwest stallion diehard. Depends how the final seeding go I like Red Spring vs SWE eastern final or SWE vs Clinton
I am not knocking the win .But red springs total yards against Fairmont the whole game 166 yards .Thaz what u call champion rushing team .Ok .It there defense that will make or break this team.
Big Line and and Big Backs wear D's down. Simple plays and the D knows its coming, just dont have the bodies to consistently stop it.

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