Perhaps, Mister Real Freedom, perhaps while visiting New Bern you and yours could have a spot of tea at The Honorable C.T's Bed and Breakfast, where you'll be spoon fed freshly harvested rice , bananas, and kale by MIster Smee, the lodging slash eating facility's garcon. Mister Smee will don his starched white shirt, red bow tie, yoga britches, and Brogan boots directly to your bedside, catering to you and the Misses' by ringin' the small bedside bell that the lodge provides. All you have to do is pick it up, shake hell outten it, and presto . Mister Smee will beckon at your individual doorstep donning the outfit provided by the Pitt County Containment Facility, where he was " housed " a few years concerning behavioral issues. Perhaps you and your darlin' would desire to have a gondola ride up slash down the Neuse River. Just pick up the bell,,,ringggg, ringgggg, and Mister Smee will arrive with peanut butter and sardine croissants, half cooked pickled eggs, an unlimited supply of Vienna Sausages, and some of Mister Smee's homemade collard wine, served with your own , personalized, Lovin' Cup.