Purnell Swett Football

DAMAN14, that's what i'm don't even realize the number of parents that were willing to move out of our district just so their sons wouldn't have to play at PS. And not just average players either...some of your BEST!
I just would like the culture to change so PS could keep their own and see what type of success could come? Talented kids leaving the district to move across the line is killing the program.
From my understanding, some belong to SR but there are those going over to Red Springs, but I think mostly for basketball.
Raider Rocks,

you are correct sir. but don't blame the sports. blame the schools. we have a thing called busing. Oh, we also have principles that made drastic improvement at a middle school and the BoE decided to move him to a struggling school. He resigned!!!! The stupid thing is the BoE decided to make him a Vice Principle. That is how we think in Rob Co, with our asses not our heads. The principle should never be an employee of the state again. If he can be that selfish and quit on kids once I would bet he would do it again.
Hey guys just decided to open a account today!!! On this subject I would like to bring up a name. Brandon McMillian. Stud for scotland... Lived 3 miles from PSHS..
Can you blame the family for wanting to get there son or daughter the best opportunity to play? I am seriously thinking of moving ,y youngest daughter. She is in the band at PS, or quintet is a better word for it.
Wait a minute herd, you speaking with a forked tongue now. An opportunity to play? You claimed coach H was a GREAT coach? I think a better opportunity to win is more like it.

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