Please heal this man and clear the cancer lord. We know that the doctors have the knowledge but lord you have the power to make all things right, all things new and as we all know, all his words are true and faithful. he is the alpha and the Omega, The beginning and the end. We all may not know this man but god knows all about it. We all may not feel the pain but god knows all about it. We all may not know what this man is asking for but god knows all about it. I dont know the status of this man but I pray that if this man is not saved, that he calls upon the lord. No matter what this man's status is, I know the lord will heal him in one way or another. The lord will soon come upon this man and say IT IS DONE.
Lord I ask you to bless this man, his family and the ones around him affected by this moment. Thank you for yesterday, today and what is to come tomorrow.