Post Scores 10/8/2021


Yep....I was out and rode by the stadium and it was one of the smallest crowds I have seen at a home game. This conference hurts the gate, recruiting, and is just not the least bit interesting. Does anyone know if it can be changed after just one year or does shelbt and burns have just 5 games for the next few years?
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McMichael finished 2-6 in the spring and made the playoffs thanks to the split conference where the winner of Morehead vs. McMichael would make the 2-A field. McMichael beat Morehead 30-27 but was a low seed in the playoffs and lost 55-7 to Croatan in the first round.
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I'm sure they are thinking the same thing when it comes to basketball about your team as well. Minus Shelby, Burns will struggle in this conference during basketball season. So, what is your point?
Wouldn't be so sure about that. We beat EG both times last year. I'm sure we'll handle Highland Tech. I'd be willing to bet we split with TJ and BC. But this is a football thread not a basketball thread. So I'll continue to stay bored most of the season and talk about how terrible this conference is.
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Maiden out of the west ? You boys seem loaded.
Well…...I declare!
It’s my old buddy….Lawnchair! 😜
Hoping things are going well for you and yours! Your Lawndale Dogs are looking pretty good too!
Maiden out of the West?… that’s a mouthful! Brother.
We gonna be in the show…for sure! Getting to the end…is a whole different conversation! Soooo many great teams in this one… I will say…this years’ Maiden team is special…compared to other really good Maiden teams. The biggest difference is our defense! The improvement has been noticeable! West?.. Yeah… Maiden can light up a scoreboard like a pinball machine…not unusual for us!….but can Maiden stop another great offensive team. That is truly…the question?
We’ll see!…. We play an undefeated Bunker Hill team next….let’s see how we do against them.
Good luck to the Burns Bulldogs! I know y’all gonna be a problem for them Shelby boys! Give ‘em hell! Brother!😉
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