Northern Guilford HS is looking for either a Week 2 or week 4 game, we are willing to play a VA team, JV as well. We are willing to travel. Please contact Erik Westberg Or contact Northern on twitter @NGHSFB.
Northern Guilford HS is looking for either a Week 2 or week 4 game, we are willing to play a VA team, JV as well. We are willing to travel. Please contact Erik Westberg Or contact Northern on twitter @NGHSFB.
When northern was new and a destination school, it was ok to play reidsville. But once the newness wore off, and athletes saw no advantage to transferring to northern, they saw no advantage to losing to reidsville. Now that northern is a school of their natural population, we see their true strengths, girls teams. I call them south wentworth high.Sad that the administration turns there nose up at Reidsville, that would be a great team to play every year.