North Davidson vs West Davidson


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2007
West Davidson will play hard, as they always do. Not much else to say. I love both of these communities, hope everybody is safe and that it's injury-free.
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Having a hard time getting excited about these games. Hoping for a safe and injury free game. Interested in a few upcoming match-ups, Salisbury may be the best test, and I figure Lexington and Ledford may be a step up.
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Thomasville is the smallest school in the CCC and needs to drop back to 1A. West would do much better as a 1A also. North likely will not be challenged until playoffs due to their roster size and the fact that they are still real good. Ledford is solid but has nothing for ND. Same for Lexington and Salisbury.
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Salisbury sounds pretty good, I'll have to reserve judgement for later. Lexington has talent but still requires discipline... Tville, I cry for you as a partial bulldog fan... Ledford has a lot going on internally and I think they're overrated as usual.
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It's a shame, there are some good athletes at WD. I'm not sure who their RB is currently, heard they had an injury with original. I would say the kid I seen returning kicks against Wheatmore would be a good choice.
The problem with West is that they're running a spread offense and they have no speed. Spread is good but west doesn't have the athletes to run it. They were much better as a ground and pound team going behind those big farm kids on the offensive line.
The problem with West is that they're running a spread offense and they have no speed. Spread is good but west doesn't have the athletes to run it. They were much better as a ground and pound team going behind those big farm kids on the offensive line.

I was at the ED vs West Davidson game and West had nothing at all for East. I was very surprised as I saw that West played Ledford close a few weeks back. I did hear that the West starting RB was hurt but the backup RB was not good at all. I don't think he even gained 15 yards the whole game. I also saw the JV game and the West JV RB is a big kid who can run, he even looked better than their backup on varsity. West did try to throw some passes out of the spread but was not very effective doing so. If West is as bad as they played and they played Ledford so close then what does that say about the rest of the conference? I will change my original predictions about the conference finish and say Salisbury and Lexington may finish 2nd and 3rd in the conference. West didn't look any better than Central Davidson or South Rowan so I am not sure they won't finish next to last in the conference.
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The CCC twitter page posted updated stats today and what do you know none of ND stats are on the page.... ND is in a lose lose situation in this conference. When they win its because they are supposed to and when the lose it will be the biggest headline of the year. Hey people guess what they are here and going to be around a while so get over it. When Alabama beats everyone in the SEC you dont see those schools complaining that they have better talent and coaching, instead they go out and get better coaches and players. Not saying this conference has bad coaches at all, just dont blame the kids at ND for their success because im sure those coaches have that team working harder than most just like they have for years. Anyways ND wins by as much as they want, Good luck to WD as well
Coaching is the key. There are athletes at all schools to some degree, but coaching levels are very different between these two particular schools, football wise anyway. It's been many years ago, but I went through a transfer, so not speaking ignorantly here.
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It is in fact coaching. Was it a coincidence that when Coach Atwood was at parkland as the wrestling coach they were an unstoppable force and then when he left they started to lose?

Coaching really makes a huge difference at this level. Sure sometimes it helps to have a certain wave of kids to come through but the really good coaches elevate their kids and the talent they receive high up. That's a fact.

CCC can boo boo us being in the conference all it wants. But if ND had it's way, it would have stayed 4A and especially stayed in the CPC, where we loved it. We didn't get our way and were forced into the CCC, so it is what it is. If they don't like it, buck up and beat the Black Knights. No excuses. It's not like they are facing a college team.
It is in fact coaching. Was it a coincidence that when Coach Atwood was at parkland as the wrestling coach they were an unstoppable force and then when he left they started to lose?

Coaching really makes a huge difference at this level. Sure sometimes it helps to have a certain wave of kids to come through but the really good coaches elevate their kids and the talent they receive high up. That's a fact.

CCC can boo boo us being in the conference all it wants. But if ND had it's way, it would have stayed 4A and especially stayed in the CPC, where we loved it. We didn't get our way and were forced into the CCC, so it is what it is. If they don't like it, buck up and beat the Black Knights. No excuses. It's not like they are facing a college team.
Agree 100%. ND did not ask, nor want to be where they are.
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Parkland won because Atwood does the word you can't say on the message board that starts with an R and ends in ecruiting. He did it at West, and now is doing it at Glenn I have heard.

West had Marcus Caldwell who played fball and wrestled, who drove him to school every day....then he just ends up at Parkland as he tried to go to Glenn....Heard Atwood was holding illegal workouts within a month of being hired at Glenn, and also has had several wrestlers transfer in, including one from the Black Knights. Wonder where the wrestler got the money to enroll in WS/FCS....

Wait are we not allowed to say that coaches recruit players on these boards? I mean is that an actual thing. If what you say is true, and I don't know one way or another, then that's a shame.

But I do stand by my comment that good coaches elevate their players and in turn their programs.
My opinion... And this is very personal for me... My dad was at a school, Allen Jay in High Point, that had 300-400 kids in 1970. They were a 1A school that had to play 2A ball because there were no local 1A schools. They went all the way to the Eastern State championship and played Ahoskie. Ahoskie had 1200 kids because they had consolidated that year between the white and black schools. Ahoskie would be 3A the next year and was close to if not in the 4A enrollment ranks. North Carolina wasnt nearly as populated in those days statewide.

Now, North for years had been one of the biggest 3A schools or one of the smallest 4A schools. We had absolutely no business beating schools like West Forsyth who had 2200 kids, but we did. And we won the conference and went deep in the 4A playoffs a few times, never winning state.

So yes, I understand the 2A schools thoughts. We should probably have been put in 3A for two years and 2A after that. But the nchsaa doesn't work like that. And since North is supposed to be 2A in 3-4 years, that's where they put us.

Some 2A schools are different. Shelby, South Point, Reidsville and what used to be Tville can compete with anyone in this state, regardless of size because of their passion and the number of athletes in their area. I'm not going to feel sorry for these schools because they have just as many athletes, if not numbers of players, that we have.

As for the CCC... Kick rocks. You guys wanted us to play you for years just so you could get a good payday at the gate. Then complain because we were bigger. So what? Get better... That's what I teach players. Just get better...

That's why Ledford never does jack. That's why West is stuck in a mediocre to terrible state year by year... Cause y'all don't get good coaching. You get coaches who make excuses for whenever you lose. Get over it...

It may not be fair, but it is the way it is. And nobody is going to feel sorry for us when all the Midway and half of Arcadia is gone. Again, kick rocks complainers. And get better.
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Parkland won because Atwood does the word you can't say on the message board that starts with an R and ends in ecruiting. He did it at West, and now is doing it at Glenn I have heard.

West had Marcus Caldwell who played fball and wrestled, who drove him to school every day....then he just ends up at Parkland as he tried to go to Glenn....Heard Atwood was holding illegal workouts within a month of being hired at Glenn, and also has had several wrestlers transfer in, including one from the Black Knights. Wonder where the wrestler got the money to enroll in WS/FCS....

Actually, everybody knows but nobody cares because Winston-Salem/Forsyth County schools get to "recruit" with open enrollment. Everybody knows it's the wild west out there and that if you're a good coach you're going to get the best athletes, recruiting or no recruiting on your part. Pop Warner and rec league ball in Forsyth County is just like junior college lol.

I don't know where the kid would get the money but maybe his family applied for and received cross-county education through the system.
TriadGuru, or so you say anyway, you should change your username to triadmakecrapup, because there is ZERO truth in anything you suggest about me or my programs. Marcus Caldwell wrestled for me? That's news to me. IF and when you ever see Marcus ask him to see one of the two state championship rings the school bought us while I coached there. He won't let you see it because he doesn't have one. I don't even know the kid to be honest. Wouldn't know who he was if he walked in my front door.

For someone who claims to be a guru perhaps you should educate yourself before making yourself appear to be completely ignorant. Have you ever even attempted to be a coach? If so, have you ever had any modicum of success? My bet is the only thing you are a guru in is eating hot dogs in the stands while booing the refs for making what you deem to be a bad call.

If you question my ability as a coach and the time I put into what I do you are more than invited to come tag along with me and my team anytime you want so you can see for yourself. There is no coach regardless of sport that puts more time into coaching than I do. You talk. I walk. If you ever have the courage to come from out of your computer hidden screen name and want to invest a little time to actually learn something then bring your hind end on over to Glenn and watch for yourself. Otherwise keep me out of your mouth. I've forgotten more about winning than you will ever know.
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I can speak to this one (recruiting-Atwood-Parkland) on a personal brother was an assistant with Atwood for 4 years of their state championship runs before becoming an assistant coach of a small college team. Parkland got "checked" all the time for "recruiting", never got in trouble the first time that I can remember. Yes, wrestlers moved there all the time, yes rules were different then compared to now (open enrollment for example), yes people always like to hate the "champ". I don't see anyone complaining about Parkland now....that's not my actual point so let me try it this way. Here is what you don't know about Coach Atwood, or maybe you knew but your case of butt hurt is still bad....

-is/was the most successful coach in NC wrestling in the last 30 years. Cary coach and Alleghany coach comparable, but arguably not as successful.
-he elevated the quality of wrestling in NC. Check out the NC and national record books for HS wrestling if you don't believe me.
-helped a lot of kids get into college that otherwise would not have done that.
-was a father figure and provided structure for many underprivileged kids who would/could have fallen into the cracks otherwise.
-spent his own money many times to take care of those boys.

I still have a Parkland HS shirt that says, "we bust ours to kick yours"...

The Atwood brothers (Greg and Maurice) are good in my book. No way my brother was as good of a HS or college wrestler without them. Learned a lot about coaching from them as well. You want to b*tch about Parkland or Atwood, go sell that weak crap somewhere else.
TriadGuru, or so you say anyway, you should change your username to triadmakecrapup, because there is ZERO truth in anything you suggest about me or my programs. Marcus Caldwell wrestled for me? That's news to me. IF and when you ever see Marcus ask him to see one of the two state championship rings the school bought us while I coached there. He won't let you see it because he doesn't have one. I don't even know the kid to be honest. Wouldn't know who he was if he walked in my front door.

Hey coach, didn't know you were on this forum. I would have let you defend yourself otherwise. Your post came in as I posted mine, didn't mean to steal your thunder.

On behalf of the Dunn family, keep doing you....let the participation trophy pansies pull their panties out of their crack...anybody who knows you knows the truth and appreciates what you have done. Heck, I didn't even wrestle for you and this pisses me off more than a missed FG......
One more thing and then I'll stop. I've been told a few times that my name has popped up on these football boards from time to time and I come and respond. It's a compliment really, because I'm not a football and yet people still drag me in these conversations. It's a testament to success. Trust me on this guruwannabe, and you can post this if you want for future reference to make yourself look like a guru when it happens, but I'm nowhere near finished with winning state titles. I'm your pinky toe short of 20 and before I'm done I'll have that and then some. Reading posts like yours motivate me even more. With my coaching credentials if I really did recruit I could have and endless stream of kids transferring. Get real guruguy.
Sitting here reading these comments, and smh. It is sad that people think because a coach is successful, especially at various schools, that they must be cheating in some form. Is it so hard to accept, that, hey, good coaches will boost a program? If you need any examples, look at North Davidson from 1992-1993 Football Seasons, compared to '91. There was an awfully quick turnaround there. And I can speak personally that it was due to on the field leadership! As said earlier; Good Coaches only make athletes better! And Prayers going up for The Lambros Family.
Charlotte Catholic gets accused of it constantly. Look at their players lol! Look more like NASA students, but they sure do play some football.

Wrestling kids look different and I never wrestled, though Coach Dunn asked me to in the library several times. I was healing from knee injuries all four years of football... What I do know of wrestling comes purely from watching and words from the Essicks, Dunn's and Hartmans. I love Dan Gable and his story, and I believe it comes down to technical expertise so much in wrestling. Cael Sanderson doing a great job, too. Coach Atwood, thank you for your presence and knowledge as a coach. You are a role model for many coaches regardless of sport...
Kicked off it's ok. I appreciate it. I'm not a football guy and stay out of these chat rooms but sometimes I get sucked in. Thank you for the compliments.

The important thing not mentioned here is Mike Lambros. That's who we should all be thinking about.
Not a football story at all, but please keep Coach Lambros' family in your prayers. Far more important than anything else we post on here.
Not a football story at all, but please keep Coach Lambros' family in your prayers. Far more important than anything else we post on here.
Lambros coached me on the d-line 78-80 seasons. What a motivator. We've remained friends ever since. He called our group the Montana Red Dogs and we still joke about it. Mike is an absolute treasure of a person besides all that he has meant to North Davidson and we are both Elon graduates and as he tells me "they may be Phoenix but we are still Fighting Christians".
When I was at North I spent very very little time around Mike. I always had somebody else when I took advance P.E. or any of those other gym classes you take for a super easy but fun grade. But there were times I'd see him around, talking to people or something. And even from what little I was around him, man what energy that guy had. It was hard not to have some of it rub off of you. Charisma, charm and integrity flying off the handles. Only times I ever actually saw him, you'd think he was having one the best days of his life.

Glad to hear that the curse on his life can plague him no more. What a man. Wish I could've known him better.
When I was at North I spent very very little time around Mike. I always had somebody else when I took advance P.E. or any of those other gym classes you take for a super easy but fun grade. But there were times I'd see him around, talking to people or something. And even from what little I was around him, man what energy that guy had. It was hard not to have some of it rub off of you. Charisma, charm and integrity flying off the handles. Only times I ever actually saw him, you'd think he was having one the best days of his life.

Glad to hear that the curse on his life can plague him no more. What a man. Wish I could've known him better.
He actually taught Special Education much of his career. If you get a chance ESPN wrote an amazing article about him the run to the State Championship this year. Check it out. I think its in ESPNW since it was ladies softball.
I've known Mike, his wife, and her family for over forty years. Played a lot of adult softball alongside him and against him over in Thomasville. He was as fiery as a player as he was a coach. The kind of guy you loved to have on your team, but hated playing against. Kept up wth his struggle through his sister-in-law.
There is no doubt in my mind that he is in a better place...and that his family will celebrate his life as much as they mourn his loss. Wonderful people who inspire everyone they touch, as he will continue to do. We all should aspire to leave such a legacy.
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I've known Mike, his wife, and her family for over forty years. Played a lot of adult softball alongside him and against him over in Thomasville. He was as fiery as a player as he was a coach. The kind of guy you loved to have on your team, but hated playing against. Kept up wth his struggle through his sister-in-law.
There is no doubt in my mind that he is in a better place...and that his family will celebrate his life as much as they mourn his loss. Wonderful people who inspire everyone they touch, as he will continue to do. We all should aspire to leave such a legacy.
OC I played softball with and against Mike. Our oaths probably crossed on the softball field. I played a number of years for Love Oil and then Old Milwaukee.
OC I played softball with and against Mike. Our oaths probably crossed on the softball field. I played a number of years for Love Oil and then Old Milwaukee.
Probably so, 77. Played throughout the mid-70's and 80's, mostly on teams coached by Roger Foley and Duck Cashion. Lot of church and industrial league play too.
This is not just football related, but if people are complaining about North being in the CCC, football is the only sport they're dominating this fall. They're doing just average in CCC, in the rest of the fall sports (soccer, volleyball, tennis etc)
That's par for the course, as North has never really been a powerhouse in those sports except some good teams here and there. West Davidson dominates volleyball and has for years in this area. The sports I'm interested in are seeing how much different the basketball teams are at this level. Baseball and softball I'm not concerned about...
That's par for the course, as North has never really been a powerhouse in those sports except some good teams here and there. West Davidson dominates volleyball and has for years in this area. The sports I'm interested in are seeing how much different the basketball teams are at this level. Baseball and softball I'm not concerned about...
the majority of the baseball and softball kids come from the areas that are still in the North district.
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