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It is?
Na...when you got these schools showing up to grab your players....I believe it's still a roar!! A loud one at that!!!
Plus UCLA, Georgia Tech, Wake Forest, NC State and Maryland.
72 champ I guess we can be looking forward to having these schools visiting us after tomorrow my man.
72 champ I guess we can be looking forward to having these schools visiting us after tomorrow my man.

Then they saw the grades and bolted for South Carolina schools. Lets be real, you have a linebacker that can play D1 almost anywhere but Shelby isnt crawling with D1 talent. an athlete maybe every other year or so. which is still something to be proud of, dont take me wrong
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It wasn't an accusation earlier in the year, it was the truth. You guys were going to just GIVE the qb job to someone that you want on the field in the worst way and you have shown this. If the jv quarterback earned the job than that would be fine. The KM Way has always been about playing certain kids because of family/administrative/community/booster connections which has absolutely nothing to do with putting the best product on the field or playing the best players. When you couldn't give the jv kid the qb job than you had to find time for him somewhere else on the field. If it was all about getting better than you would have your best eleven on each side of the ball instead of the things that you do now. You have a couple of other kids who are on the field for the reasons I've stated above. KM is the only Cleveland County school who consistently does this. Everybody else in the county tries to win big when the have the players. Not you guys. It's politics as usual. Obviously I got under you guys skins because you remembered that post which has absolutely nothing to do with Friday's game. It also shows that I've had an impact. If you want to call the truth an "accusation" than so be it. I am always ready to lay out a few more "accusations"when it comes to some of the KM shenanigans.
It wasn't an accusation earlier in the year, it was the truth. You guys were going to just GIVE the qb job to someone that you want on the field in the worst way and you have shown this. If the jv quarterback earned the job than that would be fine. The KM Way has always been about playing certain kids because of family/administrative/community/booster connections which has absolutely nothing to do with putting the best product on the field or playing the best players. When you couldn't give the jv kid the qb job than you had to find time for him somewhere else on the field. If it was all about getting better than you would have your best eleven on each side of the ball instead of the things that you do now. You have a couple of other kids who are on the field for the reasons I've stated above. KM is the only Cleveland County school who consistently does this. Everybody else in the county tries to win big when the have the players. Not you guys. It's politics as usual. Obviously I got under you guys skins because you remembered that post which has absolutely nothing to do with Friday's game. It also shows that I've had an impact. If you want to call the truth an "accusation" than so be it. I am always ready to lay out a few more "accusations"when it comes to some of the KM shenanigans.
It wasn't an accusation earlier in the year, it was the truth. You guys were going to just GIVE the qb job to someone that you want on the field in the worst way and you have shown this. If the jv quarterback earned the job than that would be fine. The KM Way has always been about playing certain kids because of family/administrative/community/booster connections which has absolutely nothing to do with putting the best product on the field or playing the best players. When you couldn't give the jv kid the qb job than you had to find time for him somewhere else on the field. If it was all about getting better than you would have your best eleven on each side of the ball instead of the things that you do now. You have a couple of other kids who are on the field for the reasons I've stated above. KM is the only Cleveland County school who consistently does this. Everybody else in the county tries to win big when the have the players. Not you guys. It's politics as usual. Obviously I got under you guys skins because you remembered that post which has absolutely nothing to do with Friday's game. It also shows that I've had an impact. If you want to call the truth an "accusation" than so be it. I am always ready to lay out a few more "accusations"when it comes to some of the KM shenanigans.
SHUTDOWND24 you know as must about KM football as I know about EINSTEIN THEORY OF RELATVITY which is nothing, it sound like all you have is a grudge against coach Lloyd and his coaching staff.
I wonder if this time will the announcer call out Dax's name when he makes a tackle? Last time at KM, the Shelby crowd cheered the announcer for calling out Dax's name because he refused to do it for most of the first half. Despite him making numerous tackles.
SHUTDOWND24 you know as must about KM football as I know about EINSTEIN THEORY OF RELATVITY which is nothing, it sound like all you have is a grudge against coach Lloyd and his coaching staff.
Mountie Slide I have forgot more football than you will ever know and you are wrong as usual about everything. Like I've said before you are a mole for KM. How would you know what KM coaching staff does and thinks if you wasn't? I know BS when I see it and I choose to call KM out on theirs. I do not hold any type of grudge against anyone. I hold people accountable to perform their job to the best of their abilities and to produce results. I used to call Crest out when Kirby was doing all his nonsense and KM get's no pass from me either. I think the second worst mistake KM ever made was hiring Lloyd as HEAD COACH. Farqueson was the worst mistake. Lloyd is too beholden to the locals. KM does dumb stuff all the time like hiring a defensive coordinator to come replace the old defensive coordinator(Lathom) but allowing the replaced d-coordinator on the sideline to confuse the kids when he takes over the D in the middle of the game and no one addresses it. Assistant coaches subbing in the kids that "they" want to play In my opinion that's a weak leader(head coach) who allows that on his sideline. Your current jv quarterback should be starting on your varsity somewhere but you hide guys like that so they do not take time from your "chosen" starters. Same thing with one of the kids who transferred to Crest. You guys just stuck someone in front of him without making them compete and EARN the position. Do not get me started on the excuse making over the years, the "sideline" coaches, the weak game-plans through this tenure, lack of improvement, trashing other schools because you can't beat them, etc. I can go on and on.You guys than have the nerve to be mad because some people do not fall for the bs you guys put out. Incredible.Take this back to the KM football PR team and work on your next move. (Everyone else who are not KM football apologists here sorry for interrupting the thread but these clowns tried to be slick and I had to respond to it.)
I wonder if this time will the announcer call out Dax's name when he makes a tackle? Last time at KM, the Shelby crowd cheered the announcer for calling out Dax's name because he refused to do it for most of the first half. Despite him making numerous tackles.
Don't forget the boos he gets from KM. Real classy.
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