I know a MAN that moved to a community. A man of Christian faith. He's not perfect,but you could see his faith through his actions,through his community ,through his football team. Some didn't talk nice about him, they only saw his faults. I had a conversation with him before he left this community. He was being called to another place. Don't think he knew what God had in store for him but he trusted his faith. This community flourished in ways not of worldly successes but in what God has promised us. He was not only the coach of our football team, he was an assistant coach to our Christain community. There is not dought our team has been blessed, but some of the things I see going on with taking down our team creed on campus,prayers led by coaches and community,I think he saw this coming when he told me a couple of reasons he was leaving. Our church's and Christian leaders in our Community are really bringing people to Christ. There are those who are trying to take Jesus out of our schools. I know these words could cost me a lot of worldly things,but I don't care. Let's all pray for our leaders. Let's pray for our kids and our enemies.