As you may have all seen the 2A program of Hertford County took down the 1A powerhouse of Tarboro. Let me say from everything I’m reading and the videos I’ve seen they are going to be a legit force. Their QB is big, fast and can pass. Now I’m not saying they will win it all but they certainly have the talent on both offense and defense to get the job done just ask the Tarboro fans. To Tarboros credit it appears they just had to many players playing both ways while Hertford only had 2 players playing both ways. Now make no mistake this game was not what Tarboro anticipated but I do believe the Bears of Hertford County are going to shock some teams in 2A. They have the size and speed to get it done. Tarboro is Tarboro they will bounce right back and be even better. Tarboro’s JV destroyed Hertfords JV if that gives anyone any indication of what Tarboro has coming up in the next couple years.