****Franklin vs Pisgah Rd2****

I dont think Franklin is ready for South Point. I dont think any mountain team is. Hibriten....Not so sure about them.. Isn't Shelby also still in 2aa?
Two upsets this Friday .Bears over Panthers and Golden Lions over Red Raiders.Hard to beat a team twice in same year ask Maiden.
Mule you amaze me..there used to be a school down east that had the initials TC And there mascot was the red devils...i figured since you were a dang genius you would have herd of that school..clearly not as for assuming he has no dog in this fight. I only assumed you had a weird fascination with farm animals based on your screen name. ..COULD you do the good folks of canton and franklin a favor and go save pursleys sure bear fans would appreciate..or as I said go cover tuscola basketball or senior citizen ping pong..just leave this thread to people who's team didn't give up every guys favorite ## in a first round game...and no bear fans I will not blame you for his behavior although he's a Pisgah alum
Sorry for the typo in last post...
Now this is more what a thread should look like ..good back and forth between two passionate fan bases who believe in there teams. Let's both sides pack the PIT to capacity and give those kids a great playoff atmosphere. I fully expect Pisgah to bring a convoy and hope panther fans will turn out in full force. As for the one post "looks like #44 is our man Friday " we fully expect the Wike kid to play..if not the young kid #44 trust me will have our full respect and attention. I know beyond a doubt both staffs will have there kids fully prepared...friday will be here soon!!..
Haven’t seen the freshman play. But it sounds like two different styles at QB. Wike is a superior athlete with over 5,000 yards in two years. Franklin will have to prepare for a duel threat and also a pro-style QB. It also sounds like the offenses are a little tweaked with each QB. Could this be the difference maker? We shall see but I don’t think WiKe is fully healthy. I’ll be there Friday WIR. And I expect a battle. Looking forward to it.
Couple of IMOs
I can't see the wike kid being "fully " healthy though I'll expect to see him behind center until I actually see far as "two different styles"I don't see the actual prep beinv anymore difficult..yes wike is a true dual was #44 @ Jv guess and only a guess is they didn't run him much vs WC w wike out and no true backup available and also they did fine vs WC w out him franklin played a,true pocket passer Friday night and I'd say defended him FAR FAR better than week before..yes I do expect a battle..but I feel franklin is simply the better team in 2017..but we fully understand games are played on the field not on paper..the only thing certain is the M6 will be represented in the state quarterfinals
I dont think Franklin is ready for South Point. I dont think any mountain team is. Hibriten....Not so sure about them.. Isn't Shelby also still in 2aa?
I agree don’t think anyone in 2A is ready for SP, Hibriten is one dimensional and Franklin plays the run very well. If Franklin plays well and gets past Pisgah I see them beating Hibriten
Haven’t seen the freshman play. But it sounds like two different styles at QB. Wike is a superior athlete with over 5,000 yards in two years. Franklin will have to prepare for a duel threat and also a pro-style QB. It also sounds like the offenses are a little tweaked with each QB. Could this be the difference maker? We shall see but I don’t think WiKe is fully healthy. I’ll be there Friday WIR. And I expect a battle. Looking forward to it.

What better than having one good QB ?Having two good QB's.Plus we have a third one that not bad either.
Red devil don't you dare agree w mule on anything or you will be sent to watch the game in the yard with the other idiot up as far as SP..franklin has been to South point ..much respect but no fear..but I am calling for a Shelby win Friday 2006 Pisgah hosted the golden lions in a great football game..this year it will be GOLDEN LIONS AND PANTHERS IN THE PIT IN 4TH ROUND

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Red devil don't you dare agree w mule on anything or you will be sent to watch the game in the yard withthe other idiot up there

Now that’s funny!!!
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Mule you amaze me..there used to be a school down east that had the initials TC And there mascot was the red devils... We aint "down east."
What's better than beating tuscola? Beating Franklin in the Pit during the playoffs. #dreamsextinguished
No, for the average Pisgah fan beating Franklin is NOT better than beating Tuscola, even in a non-conference early season game.
Mule please do like TUSCOLA and disappear from any playoff could probably bring the UNITED STATES AND N KOREA TOGETHER AS they would probably rather have each other as an allie than deal w you
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I had heard the Chappell had sent request to NCHSAA that if wike couldn't play ..that he be allowed as the "special guest referee"..

I did think w the exception of one official I thought the crew last week did a good be happy w same crew minus
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I had heard the Chappell had sent request to NCHSAA that if wike couldn't play ..that he be allowed as the "special guest referee"..

I did think w the exception of one official I thought the crew last week did a good be happy w same crew minus

No Canton ref this time but I am sure you can come up with another excuse for why you never scored in second half.
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Pisgah would (IMO) do well to challenge SMC referees for this playoff game if they are the ones assigned.
Shut up mule. What the hell do you know trader.
I think you mean "TRAITOR." I wonder how many people now working at Pisgah went to school somewhere else? Are they "traitors" to their high school, as well? How about the ones at Tuscola that ALSO went to other high schools? And what I KNOW comes directly from what I have heard all over town, on message boards like this one, and other sources that have ALL said the same thing. I have seen you specifically criticizing people for even SUGGESTING that the PHS THS game might be over inflated in its importance, especially now. Are you now deciding to change your tune?
Oh excuse me all knowing one. Oh my god i misused the spelling of a word. See thats the thing, I wouldn't know how to spell it because I'll never be one unlike you.

I'm not even going to take the time to explains things football to your dumb a$$ mule. Maybe Rhonda can expliain it to ya but i doubt it.
And now just exactly why would Pisgah not want SMC officials..Franklin has been penalized on average 12 times per game vs 3 for there opponents compared to an average of 5 per game on the road vs 7 per game for opponents that's including the absolute old fashion hometown screw job we got in me we get no favors from the SMC..and exactky what makes you an expert on officials..wait my fault..your an expert on just go ahead and tell us the final score Friday and save us all the anticipation and excitement...i once met a,man..looked like he was suffering from diahrea constipation stomachs ache toothache nausea indigestion heartburn and foaming at the mouth...i ask him buddy you ok you look like your dying..he said no I just met mule and this is how he made me feel...poor fellar I know the feeling..after his last post I just got of the commode myself
In all seriousness I hope the officials are barely noticed Friday night and the kids are allowed to play football..two good programs two good staffs two supportive communities..and lol one dang good thread just to be two ole mountain teams lol..i enjoy these boards and yea we talk a lot of smack..but I know we believe in our PANTHERS and I know y'all believe in your BEARS..its turned into a pretty darn good rivalry..and I hope Friday night lives up to the hype..
Oh bear fans another good place to eat is at corner of main street..MOTOR COMPANY GRILL
No, for the average Pisgah fan beating Franklin is NOT better than beating Tuscola, even in a non-conference early season game.
Where do you dream this stuff up...nobody from Pisgah talks to you... O wait...the godfather of the sports editors club..I forgot.
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Trader hell...They can have him!! You can change colors.... We'll get him a Tuscola diploma and make it official.
Better yet, get him a diploma from the Ernest T. Bass school for imbeciles and idiots....oh wait, Ernest T. was way smarter than ole jackass.
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Other than one official last Friday night wasn't too bad..i saw where there were like 275 yards of penalties in yalls game last just not sure why that many flags are NECESSARY..sure if an infraction occurs call it but let them play..too often officials think fans pay to see them..forget the adults involved..hopefully for the kids involves officials play no part in the outcome Friday night

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