? For schools who broadcast live video


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2006
Are there any legal limitations you run into like rights of product, or schools permission, etc. just interested to know. I've seen some schools like South Columbus I think broadcast the game live with video live on YouTube, just wanted to know if their are any copyrights you had to clear first.
Yall bout to start doing live video broadcast???......need a sideline reporter i volunteer LOL
Just looking into it for away games. But trying to make sure we don't break no rules. Doubtful we will anytime soon.
We have all Shelby games on live video stream.
Exceptions are any Thursday games as TWC owns the rights, even if they are not taping the game. We've also run across a couple of schools that don't allow it.
Once the playoffs start there will be no live video streaming allowed.
Are there any legal limitations you run into like rights of product, or schools permission, etc. just interested to know. I've seen some schools like South Columbus I think broadcast the game live with video live on YouTube, just wanted to know if their are any copyrights you had to clear first.
Hey Darkhorse.

The home team owns the rights to regular season so it just has to be cleared with them. They can charge or not charge. We do it with a group of students (who do a great job!)at East, South and West Columbus games. We are also honored to have their footage featured on the Football Friday shows on WECT and WWAY.

I have assisted several groups across the state get started live streaming and would be happy to help. Its very affordable. Some ADs and coaches get freaked out about losing a few tickets here and there, but what we have found is that it allows people to follow their team when they can't come to the game- not prevent people from coming. We have received notes of appreciation from fans in hospitals, airplanes and even Disneyland. This year we will pass our 100th live stream during basketball. We also have a great partnership with Franklin Davis and the Columbus County Sports Network. In fact the majority of varsity football, basketball and baseball games in our county are either on live video or audio. Our IT department has given us wired internet in every pressbox and gym, which makes it all work.

Please let me know if I can help you. I'd be glad to drive up and share what I know and you are always welcome to come down here. At the end of the day, I think the media coverage makes our student athletes feel special and that is so very important.
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Hey Darkhorse.

The home team owns the rights to regular season so it just has to be cleared with them. They can charge or not charge. We do it with a group of students (who do a great job!)at East, South and West Columbus games. We are also honored to have their footage featured on the Football Friday shows on WECT and WWAY.

I have assisted several groups across the state get started live streaming and would be happy to help. Its very affordable. Some ADs and coaches get freaked out about losing a few tickets here and there, but what we have found is that it allows people to follow their team when they can't come to the game- not prevent people from coming. We have received notes of appreciation from fans in hospitals, airplanes and even Disneyland. This year we will pass our 100th live stream during basketball. We also have a great partnership with Franklin Davis and the Columbus County Sports Network. In fact the majority of varsity football, basketball and baseball games in our county are either on live video or audio. Our IT department has given us wired internet in every pressbox and gym, which makes it all work.

Please let me know if I can help you. I'd be glad to drive up and share what I know and you are always welcome to come down here. At the end of the day, I think the media coverage makes our student athletes feel special and that is so very important.
And I might add....this group does the absolute best job! Very pleased to have them on our sidelines!
Wow thanks for all the feedback, we had really only considered doing this for Away games for the simple reason of those back at home that cannot travel. I guess if a school is charging us anyway then we can do it. Haven't considered home games because our home games are mostly well attended but we should check with our AD. If we do, we may start out using periscope from our phones just to begin with then eventually we may pick you guys brains on how to incorporate a live stream with a good quality camera. We already tape delay our broadcast for playback on Monday nights, but it would be cool to stream it live with our play by play audio. For now we just have played back video and live play by play audio on Friday nights. We are getting there, just wanting to make sure of some things before we start to add to our broadcast abilities.