Foothills 2A 2022 Final


Active Member
Apr 4, 2022
East Surry as expected 6-0 in conference ran away with the crown.

School Name*W-L*Pct.*PF*PAW-LPct.PFPAStrk
East Surry6-01.0003207412-10.9235711441 L
Wilkes Central5-10.8332341567-40.6363812841 L
North Wilkes4-20.6672322227-40.6363613971 L
Forbush3-30.5001292213-70.3001843793 L
West Wilkes1-50.167981812-80.2001502772 L
Surry Central1-50.1671002132-80.2001703384 L
North Surry1-50.1672042502-80.2002663971 L

This is straight from MaxPreps on how it shaped up. I know its not the flashy conference to talk about but originally being from the area I love to keep up with the hometown area teams.
Biggest surprise for the year was North Wilkes. They had some talent and guys that could go. Nice job by coach Woj who came from J.H. Rose couple years ago.
Biggest Disappointment: North Surry. Maybe Slash or someone can fill me in but I expected them to be better with the WR and QB (Who I think transferred out). However JV team was MASSIVE from what I was told so the future is bright for the Hounds.

Looking ahead: East Surry will still be the favorite. "To Be The Man You Gotta Beat The Man" . North Surry will compete next year and I think another team that is building something quietly is West Wilkes. They lost some tight games to East Wilkes, Forbush, Surry Central & Ashe and if I am not mistaken they bring alot back next year. Wilkes Central will always be in the conversation just because what they bring to the table athletically. All in all 2023 should be a fun year and I think the middle of the conference will be where the action is!

Merry CHRISTmas!!
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Varsity was a super snakebit team this year. Never seen one as unlucky in my 15 years around, they played hard every week but we were younger and smaller than most of the teams we played. We got a new weight system which I think will benfit us the next couple of years; last year was truly the first year of it and it didn't show much, but ahead in time I'm excited to see what we do. Defense was our weakpoint due to a lot of younger kids starting. Offense we were pretty decent. In terms of the bad times I played and experienced this one was the least negative to be around; they didn't give up. We've been hurt by small senior classes but 2 of the next three has a good # of kids in them moving forward so it will pick up.

On the bright side the talent we return back are really hard fighters. I think we will be better next year; 2024 will be the year to watch for us though I think. It'll be a solid sized senior class and a lot of juniors.

The JV's were the best team unit I've seen us have in a long time. They all played really hard and bought into what Coach Smith was doing. Made up of mostly a lot of freshman and the 10th graders we had down really performed. We moved pretty much 75% of the offense up after the ES game and it didn't hurt them at all. Never seen that before. I'm cautiously optimistic about this group. They gotta lift and showup in the summers but they have a ton of potential.

I'm excited.
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As for 2023:

I don't know if I'd label East 100% the favorite or not yet. They have to replace a LOT of talent that's taken off. Boaz particuarlly. They return that RB but they will be a lot younger. Will have some size to them though. If Lowman stays they will be tough still, if not then hard to say.

The conference may be more wide open than we think. West Wilkes will be huge too and they run the Wing well but they struggle vs speed. If they can get more together behind their HC they could be a surprise. Wilkes Central will still have some size and speed but they lose the best senior group they've had in a while. Forbush will be huge still but they will be a one trick team behind that QB they have; if he ever leaves they will be in a tight spot as a lot of their backfield was seniors this year. Their JV had a hard time this year for the first time in a long time.

North Wilkes will be down quite a bit. They haven't won a JV game in 2 years since the MVAC days. That HC they got will have a hard challenge ahead. That RB is gone he was their offense. SC will be better their QB is really good. We will be better too.

Foothills is gonna have a lot more parity before the end of this alignment for sure.

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