Football Game Needed


New Member
Mar 4, 2015
North Stanly HIgh School is need of an Opening Football Game Week 1 August 21, 2015.

Please contact AD - Joanna Gagliardi 704-961-4630
Albemarle s not playing Davidson Day this year ,they might have an opening..........just kidding
If Plan A passes, they can have a Royal Blue/Baby Blue inter-squad!!!! The NCC can have one last hurrah with all their Bluedog garb!!! Who knows, the team in Lt Blue might even win this year!


This post was edited on 3/4 7:39 PM by Trench Warrior
It want be much of a last hurrah, TW. We've all already got one foot in the grave. lol
Originally posted by Buddy Rich:
It want be much of a last hurrah, TW. We've all already got one foot in the grave. lol
That is true. I'm just slightly surprised but it appears that Plan A is a go with AHS closing in June as originally planned.

If this Happens. I guess the Students will have 2 months to pick a name for the School and a Mascot. If Coach Jackson went to Anson, it is right on schdule
I'm with Sway on this one. The Bulldogs will be suiting up in August. We can start looking forward to October right now fellas! A new season draws closer with each passing day.
No way in the world is this the end for Albemarle football, I just don't see it as I've stated before. Get ready for the 2015 season fellas............
If all of the Students from Albemarle get to go in the first year then this is a positive move. This School will have more Assistant Coaches that will work for the School and are there to be around the Athletes. The Title doesn't mean a thing. Albemarle will still be represented. Funding will Increase, The Band will have way more Members . I'm not hung on Tradition and what is better is positive
Originally posted by WARRIOR_PRIDE2005:
No way in the world is this the end for Albemarle football, I just don't see it as I've stated before. Get ready for the 2015 season fellas............
First, it isn't about football or sports in general, its about whats best for the school system moving forward in the future. The kids will be fine. Its the "die hard" supporters who are having more difficulty accepting the proposed changes. Second, I have a good idea of which way the board is leaning but this is in no way a 100% done deal so don't be surprised at any direction this system takes as the leaders are notorious for backing down to pressure. Last, if Plan A does pass closing AHS & SSHS, its not the end of the world. There have been schools all over this state with as much or more tradition than either of these schools that have closed & the communities have survived. Stanly Co will be no different. There will be football & other sports come August.

@TrenchWarrior. Your exactly right. Education is #1, never said it wasn't. Keep in mind I'm not from Stanly county so I don't really have a whole lotta say on this issue but I will say this consolidstion isn't always the fix and as of know I just don't believe AHS is done for not yet at least.........
Well I think we can all agree on one thing. Education is #1. However I think the whole hs experience includes sports, band, cheerleading etc. I know back in my day Coach Webb taught his kids how to be successful in life through athletics. And most of them were. Times have changed but somethings never do. TW I am one of "die hards" that you speak of but whatever the school board decides and its best for the kids I am ok with. I just don't believe uprooting them is the best way to go. In a small community like Albemarle, I think the community schools are important for all concerned. Most importantly the kids involved. There has got to be a compromise with all these plans that fits the majority and that's all I ask. We shall see.

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