Day standout at Florida suspended

Will Grier was suspended for season at Florida. My son told me it was using steroids

That is incorrect.

Used an over the counter supplement that can be bought at GNC that contains Ligandrol which is on the NCAA illegal substance list. Should have cleared it with the medical staff. I do not think a 365 suspension for something bought over the counter is a very just punishment.
That is incorrect.

Used an over the counter supplement that can be bought at GNC that contains Ligandrol which is on the NCAA illegal substance list. Should have cleared it with the medical staff. I do not think a 365 suspension for something bought over the counter is a very just punishment.

According to ESPN he was a "Juicer"
I live in Florida and have been following Grier since he signed with the Gators. It's really disappointing. Even though it is an OTC product players are responsible for knowing what is banned by the NCAA. Not sure if it's an appealable issue. 1 year suspension for an OTC seems a little harsh.
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Not incorrect about the suspension btango. Is that correct or is ESPN wrong? Have read your post for some time with respect. I put only one fact suspension the rest was someone told me. Guess the world knows now HE WAS SUSPENDED for violating the rules. Is that satisfactory to you.
Ligandrol is not a steroid but is a banned substance by the NCAA. I have read mixed answers on whether the suspension is for the season or calendar year. It is ultimately up to the player to know two things.....1) What he is putting into his body. 2) Is what he is using on the banned substance list by the NCAA. His ignorance regarding the OTC product is a big blow to the Florida program that is slated to play LSU in a big SEC match up this Saturday. I have followed Grier closely since his days at Davidson Day and I know this kid is highly disappointed in his error.
Let's see, I've been a part of football for a minimum of ............. 6 years, probably more. I'm at a POWERFUL SEC school. I drop by the local GNC store grab some protein shakes for the next couple of weeks. WHO PUT THE STEROIDS in my morning shake. Yep I believe it? NOT!!!!
Seriously, if they are making stuff that can be bought over the counter why is it illegal OR why is it sold? Clueless about this crap. When I grew up you chopped wood, worked at the local saw mill or lifted weights. If u did all 3 you were ready for the next level.
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Not sure what point you are trying to make but once again, ligandrol is not steroids. The fact that it is OTC means that FDA has not banned the substance from public sale. It is available in at least three supplements shops in the area that I live in. There are a variety of products on the market (OTC) that give people that are training increased stamina or strength (NO2 Nitric Oxide, C4 Creatine)........I see high school kids in the gym all the time taking products like this.......Just about every athlete, on any level, in any sport is constantly exploring ways to train better, perform better, be stronger & faster. I don't excuse Grier for taking a product that contained a banned substance because it's his responsibility to know better. But people hear the term "PED" and automatically assume it is steroids. Adderall is banned substance in MLB and considered a PED but it is not steroids. In 2006 Braves 1st basemen Adam LaRoche was struggling from what was later diagnosed as ADD. His performance on the field was terrible. His doctor put him on Ritalin and LaRoche's game made a 180 degree turn for the better. Ritalin is a banned substance in MLB unless prescribed by a doctor so is not a PED because the guy has a doctor's note? Let's not be so quick to judge the Grier situation until more facts are revealed not speculation.
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No he did not gain 30lbs in one year.

In 2014 he was listed on the Florida Gator Web page as 6'2" 200lbs

In 2015 he is listed on the same Florida Gator Web page as 6'2" 215lbs

His weight gain has been exaggerated.

I have personally seen him and would agree with a increase over the 2014 and 2015 seasons.
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Not incorrect about the suspension btango. Is that correct or is ESPN wrong? Have read your post for some time with respect. I put only one fact suspension the rest was someone told me. Guess the world knows now HE WAS SUSPENDED for violating the rules. Is that satisfactory to you.

In your initial post you wrote, "my son said it was for using steroids." From all reports that is false and that was what my response was to. I went on in my post to discuss the suspension being severe which confirms I understood he was suspended.
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Let's see, I've been a part of football for a minimum of ............. 6 years, probably more. I'm at a POWERFUL SEC school. I drop by the local GNC store grab some protein shakes for the next couple of weeks. WHO PUT THE STEROIDS in my morning shake. Yep I believe it? NOT!!!!

What has been reported is that a supplement on the NCAA banned list was an ingredient in a product he purchased. You and your son can buy the product on line or at a nutrition store. That is the reason of my complaint on the severity of the penalty, you can buy it over the counter.

I am interested in hearing more but I think Spurrier resigning will take some of the focus off this.
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I'm kinda in the Ryan Rusillo of ESPN camp. After THIS MANY athletes have been caught, I'm not inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to them anymore.
GNC is expensive. I bet the NCAA now will investigate where he got the money for his protein shakes. (We really don't know the whole story. I will bet whatever he did wrong...a lot of Gators are doing too.....and Seminoles....doubt Miami would do anything corrupt....). Hate it for him.
they disputed the ligandrol claim. Ive seen his weight listed as low as 177 when he got to UF. Either way it is an awful crappy excuse. There is no need for otc supplements when you are in a program like UF. Kid was trying to cheat IMHO. No sympathy here.
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i started this thread I say let's drop it. Grier is an innocent victim of GNC false advertising. Just buying some shakes at the local OTC store. Didn't know what I was doing was against the rules. Didn't learn to read and comprehend at the college level ... Before I went to U of F
Jalen Dalton 6-5 220 lbs at West Forsyth last year and now stands 6-6 280 lbs at UNC. That's 60lbs for a DE.
just saying you see lineman put on tons of weight cause they filling out 6'6 frames. but very really do you see a qb or db put on 45 lbs. Its very odd this situation and I feel bad for the kid if he just took GNC stuff. seems like a very harsh punishment heck kids who take money aren't punished this hard

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