Davie @ Reagan 10-2

Hope I'm wrong here but I believe we will see the same Davie team as we seen those first two games and Reagan wins big. DC level of competition has not been very strong these last 3 games so don't let that fool ya.
Dc1995 is right.


Defense has been swarming to the ball and getting fired up.. offense oliNE needs give 3 time to throw to all his receivers this week instead of running for his life and finally finding the all conference WR 9.. 5 needs to play more for us love his hype.. from the 1st snap on Friday night we need to blitz on defense set the tone and take shots on the offense. If we get up we need not to play conservative like we are known for.

We need to go for 2 all game we don't have a kicking game.....

Reagan scores fast so a 14 21 point lead is not safe.

DC gets up we need to run score as high as we can.

DC 32
Reagan 31
DC are dreaming but hey we all can dream at times. I saw EF play Reagan and I was impressed with Reagan offense big time. You guys won't hold Reagan less than 40 points unless the MOTHER NATURE takes over like this past weekend. EF beat Reagan 45-35 and held Reagan to 7 points in 2nd half. You guys won't do it and you guys lost to Page badly. I could not see Davie holding Reagan to 7 points in 2nd half.

One more thing it is at Reagan, they lost to Page couple weeks ago and they don't want to lose at home again. One thing on your side is Reagan defense is not that great but their offense is GREAT.
Hey, what happened to J Young? You mentioned kicking game was struggling. From what I've seen, he's one of the best Kickers in the state. Believe he should do well at the next level. Met him numerous times and he's a fine young man in my firsthand experience(s). Pulling for him and Kennedy to both do very well @WV next year!
No blocking for him to kick plus he has not played last 3 weeks. And we had 10 plus kicks blocked this year.
Nope he has sat out past 3 games. Still when he was playing he didn't show case his talent on kick offs. Last year every kick was touch back. He may have had 2 in the first three games. Now for punting and field goals nobody has a shot at making one. We had alot blocked this year. I'm guessing he may have been hurt or dealing with a injury dating back to the summer idk. He hasn't impressed me this season
It's sad when your coaches just stand there and not coach.. never make adjustments and satisfy for nothing. Fans screaming harder then them. COACHING CHANGE PLEASE

DC is in the same league as parkland and rjr. CPC SCRUBS.

Man does anyone remember when Davie was a power house. Dang just sad to see the fan base and money these coaches are making the school and stuff lose.

Hope New School New Staff.
This just kills me to see how bad Davie has become in just a few short seasons. I can't even go to the games and watch. Something has to be done bout this staff these kids and the county deserves better. We as a county have always supported this team and I always will but everyone just needs to stop attending the games so maybe some eyes of the ones that make the decisions will open up.
It's sad when your coaches just stand there and not coach.. never make adjustments and satisfy for nothing. Fans screaming harder then them. COACHING CHANGE PLEASE

DC is in the same league as parkland and rjr. CPC SCRUBS.

Man does anyone remember when Davie was a power house. Dang just sad to see the fan base and money these coaches are making the school and stuff lose.

Hope New School New Staff.

Really? You were silent the last 3 games that we won and now you are back on the coaches? Lmao! Why don't you volunteer? We are young!

Please apply for the job - I am sure the Admin is waiting on your application.

Hats off to our friends at Reagan for the W tonight!
I dunno if I'd say Davie is in the same league as RJR and Parkland... time will tell, but those programs are so abysmal that about the only game they look forward to every year is each other, at least in the conference. Parkland can beat all the 1A schools they want, it won't make them any better.
Parkland lost big tonite to RJR. Davie should beat both of them, Hey Reagan is flat out good ball team and they will give any teams FITS. They gave Page all they could handle and Page have to outscore them in order to win. EF beat Reagan by 10 points (45-35) and held Reagan to 7 points in 2nd half. The reason is that EF does have very SOLID defense and Madison Cone is superb.

Honestly I thought Reagan will score more than 45 points against Davie. Give Davie some credit....Page held them to 50. Hmm, support your school and give coaches positive attitude. I know many coaches would have nightmare about Reagan Offense! I never thought you guys would have chance against Reagan .....Who knows, you guys might sneak in 3rd place but no higher!
Davie kid we are a 4a football program. The 3 games we won look who they were against buddy. I'm not going to get on here and cheer about that. If we beat west ND tabor yeah I'll get on here cheer.

It's easy for yall to say give credit but yall don't watch these coaches and playing calling like us true fans do. It's easy to look at stats on paper and say will davie held them to 45 points. NO can't do that. Watch the play calling and game structure for these cats and you will see what we see.
Davie kid we are a 4a football program. The 3 games we won look who they were against buddy. I'm not going to get on here and cheer about that. If we beat west ND tabor yeah I'll get on here cheer.

It's easy for yall to say give credit but yall don't watch these coaches and playing calling like us true fans do. It's easy to look at stats on paper and say will davie held them to 45 points. NO can't do that. Watch the play calling and game structure for these cats and you will see what we see.

True fan you may be but you obviously cannot see that we are down in athletes compared to the ones you mentioned above. If you cannot see that and want to blame it all on the coaches; well I can tell you never played the game.
I truly believe we are young and have a bright future - just my opinion.
True Davie is young, but the overall coaching is really that bad. Davie has lost some very good upper classman players because of the current coaching staff. Davie has some tremendous young talent and have the potential to be very good in the coming years, but will be limited by the current coaching staff. I have heard some strong rumors of some of the younger talented players looking to transfer out like Carney. I don't know the coaches personally, but go to any game and the buzz in the stands is that while everyone thinks Holman is a stand up guy, he's just not a good head coach. The stuff I hear about the other coaches is far worse. The consensus seems to be that the overall staff is grossly under-qualified.
Bud Ive played the game. Players down yes but when you can't coach your current players and give them a shot then come on. Like last night half time players standing in the bathroom when I went take a leak because it was cold and coaches just standing around. If I was the coach we would be doing up downs for the 28 points we gave up. But no the coaches are satisfying for less. Trust me dude I heard reagans coach from our side when they was up 35 7 after the 2nd yes 2nd onside kick that are coaches fail to prepare are kids for or adjust. Scream let's score again boys..

The fight is out of the dog on them sidelines and it's time for a change. I'm not the only one saying this. I'm just the only one who post on here.
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McGee is proving to not be the classiest coach around... just wants to set passing and scoring records.
DC Pride is right about the lack of adjustments or preparation. Page blocked 4 punts out of the same formation. Davie never even attempted to adjust. If you watch the sidelines, there's almost no interaction at all between players and coaches. I can't count the number of times this season after giving up a big play, the defense has came to the bench and just sat down. No one speaks to them. No one either trying to explain what they did wrong, or getting in their face. It's like a ghost town at times. I've seen players up walking around doing flips or cutting up with teammates while they were supposed to be on the field. We realize the talent levels are down, but that's not the biggest problem here.
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Just like the horse collar penalty that the coaches didn't even fight about the call when it was terribly wrong call. 9 pulled the guy down by his jersey tail while diving to do so. US fans where scream more at the officials and the coaches just didn't do a thing. Players watch coaches when a coach is fired up a player will get fired up. You need 1 and 2 to make it to 3.
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