Buncombe County Jamboree

Erwin beat Hendo 27-13
Pisgah beat Asheville 19-13
TCR/Robbinsville had to wait out storm so they played 40 yard field for an hour don’t know score.
ACR/Murphy played other end of field and ACR scored 7 or 8 TD’s and Murphy scored 3 TD’s.
Erwin beat Hendo 27-13
Pisgah beat Asheville 19-13
TCR/Robbinsville had to wait out storm so they played 40 yard field for an hour don’t know score.
ACR/Murphy played other end of field and ACR scored 7 or 8 TD’s and Murphy scored 3 TD’s.
Pisgah Asheville score wasn't that close...TCR and R'ville was a slugfest between 2 similar teams with R'ville up 2 tds to 1....after trading a couple of tds, ACR opened a can on Murphy. ACR is still the team to beat in the WMAC and I don't think it's close
Erwin 27 Hendo 13
Erwin looked pretty sharp on both sides of the ball, but did give up a couple of big pass plays. QB and receivers looked much improved. Hendersonville QB looked improved and they should do a little better than last year.

Pisgah 19 Asheville 13
Pisgah was dominant and much bigger than Asheville. Pisgah will be very tough this year. Asheville has some decent skill guys but have a lot of growing up to do in the trenches. With their schedule it may be ugly until they get into conference.

Robbinsville 2 scores TCR 1 score
Definitely not the TC team from last year or the Robbinsville team, but I would take Robbinsville in a full field game.

Reynolds 7 scores Murphy 3
This was split field with TC and Robbinsville.
Game started out 3 to 3 then reynolds adjusted and ran away with it and scored 4 unanswered. Murphy’s ones are really good though and will be tough in 1a. #5 for Murphy was very good and played sparingly I am sure to avoid injury just like Guest was as well. Reynolds QB is the real deal and if they can get better on both lines they could make a deep run. Guest and Hamrick are a level above most. Week 3 when Bryce Baker and EF roll into RL Dalton will be a rare chance for folks in the mountains to see two Power 5 QB’s battle it out.

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