Brevard, East Burke Chase, Hendersonville and East Rutherford needs games

Freedom and EB could play back to back weeks to make up for the holes in their schedule now. Don’t know if that would be agreeable for both parties.
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Chase and east Rutherford should play each other twice and Brevard should play east burke, oh wait that doesn't add up lol
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I had heard Polk County needed a game, not sure what week or if they filled it but maybe call them.
Polk is looking for a game also 9/20 or 10/11 it's all a result of Patton not fielding a Varsity team
Draughn and Hendersonville are too, why is 26 kids not enough for a team some 1a schools can field a team with 12 kids
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Draughn and Hendersonville are too, why is 26 kids not enough for a team some 1a schools can field a team with 12 kids
I read that comment on the other thread as 26 total JV and varsity with the majority being 9th and 10th graders. It seems like they made the hard decision to do what is best for the program and the largest amount of kids. There was no 100% perfect outcome going to come from this.

Trotting out 14 and 15 year olds that are not mentally, and definitely not physically ready, to handle 17 and 18 year olds in most cases definitely wasn’t the answer. Yes, some 9th and 10th graders are ready but the average majority are not ready to face varsity competition especially if they must carry the load of the team.
I read that comment on the other thread as 26 total JV and varsity with the majority being 9th and 10th graders. It seems like they made the hard decision to do what is best for the program and the largest amount of kids. There was no 100% perfect outcome going to come from this.

Trotting out 14 and 15 year olds that are not mentally, and definitely not physically ready, to handle 17 and 18 year olds in most cases definitely wasn’t the answer. Yes, some 9th and 10th graders are ready but the average majority are not ready to face varsity competition especially if they must carry the load of the team.
And every team loses players to injuries throughout the year. No way they could have sustained 26 players the entire season.
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Max Preps is showing Draughn, Freedom, RS Central, Wilkes Central, Chase with games and Brevard, Hendersonville, Polk, East Rutherford and East Burke without so at least half the teams have found games so far, Freedom picked up Gaffney talk about an upgrade lol
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Max Preps is showing Draughn, Freedom, RS Central, Wilkes Central, Chase with games and Brevard, Hendersonville, Polk, East Rutherford and East Burke without so at least half the teams have found games so far, Freedom picked up Gaffney talk about an upgrade lol
Draughn picked a team out of Greeneville sc the Greeneville hurricanes
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I would say hickory Hawks homeschool team but it looks like they disbanded website doesn't work anymore

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