2019 North Carolina East West Game Wednesday, July 17, 2019 Jamieson Stadium 8pm Can't wait to see Aaron Harris of Northeastern. What is everyone's prediction of this game?
HSOT is streaming all the all-star games., inc luding both basketball games tonight, soccer tomorrow and the football Wednesday night.Any live feeds of this game?
Ready for the game tonight. Have the HSOT page bookmarked and waiting for the game to start at 1900 here in Missouri (2000 NC time). I have a medical appt. at 5 this afternoon and then the wife and I will have supper. Should be back no latter than 7:30 ... I hope. I know NE has a player on the roster. Any body from WRH, Clinton ?
And former Clinton great Johnny Boykin of Ragsdale is one of the assistants on the West.LB Javiah Cruse from is playinh would love to see him take home that defensive MVP tonight....good size and speed he is a headhunter All conference his.junior and senior years on his way to WSSU