I think they do. 🫵@Maiden Creek how bout those white squirrels 😂. Do they have any shot at pulling the upset o er Monroe? @GrizzlyDevil would like to hear you guys thoughts.
Weird night for sure. Dogs79 had water leak on his truck so he had taken it back to the ford place and they gave him a bronco as a loaner. So he was going to be a little late and drove to Vanceboro to meet me. I left work and headed to Washington thinking I would meet him there as planned. Hit a bad pothole and busted my front left tire. Had no idea it was flat. It started pulling to the left. I thought it has messed my front end alignment up. I drove about 4 miles before it messed the sidewall up and actually felt like a flat. Then I noticed my air pressure indicator was lit. Rim is bent slightly. Wife came and got me so I had called dogs79 and he was late too so he came to Vanceboro. I went home and put the wife out never thinking I didn’t have the key fob to that car. She got out with hers in her pocketbook. I drove 3 miles back to Vanceboro to pick dogs up at food lion. Put the car in park and when we went to leave and headed closed his door I get no key detected message. Car is running but locked in park. So I had to call my wife to bring my key fob. She had a good laugh. I get my fob and of course I had to fill it up so I pull over to the speedway and start the gas pump. I told dogs I had to hit the bathroom. I go inside in a rush and go in a bathroom and it’s all different. Damn they remodeled the bathroom and did away with urinals. I started to go in a stall and it hit me! Damn I’m in the ladies room. So I get out unscathed and go in the right one. Get to the car just as the pump kicks off. Put the nozzle up and get in and I look at dogs79 and said maybe we need to hold hands and pray. 🤣
We get to Texas Roadhouse still with time to meet Goob and eat. Everyone is talking and things are seeming pretty good and I go to say something and can’t get anything to come out. Just like snapping your fingers my voice was gone.i listened to dogs79 talking to a waitress about how she ended up in Elizabeth city from Fayetteville. Fellow did her wrong she wanted kids he didn’t…….. I looked at her and strained hard as I could to scratch out if I was 40 years younger I could help out with the no kids problem!! She laughed . Started to the stadium and my voice started coming back. By game time I could hardly notice it. Been fine today. I went to get my car home and found I don’t have a spare. I have a tire inflation kit. It has an air pump and some sealer you put in the tire. So I’ll have to have it towed Monday to get a new set of tires and possibly one rim.
Make them in-fight...frustrate them...keep their offense off the field...and yes, be up a couple scores at half.If Brevard gets up by 2 scores, they have a shot. Monroe is one of those you have to be up by at least 3 scores so by the time they catch up(and they find a way to catch up) the time will have expired.
You have to be up by 3 scores at half time and get the ball back in the 2nd half. They will catch up, but time will likely be on your side at that point.
Yea it was your fault for not going, I don't even have a spare in that car. It came with a tire inflation kit, Has an air pump and a can of sealer. Bad thing is I knew that. I had already bought a new rim and intended on putting a new set of tires on it after Christmas. I was going to buy 5 new tires. Now I think I'll just put one of the existing tires on the slightly bent rim and use that for a spare. I'll have to get Hardison's to tow it Monday. Its parked in someone's yard on the Aurora - Askins rd.Sorry I had to miss that………….not. 🤣🤣🤣
West Stokes played them 2 weeks ago 2 hour trip. Monroe only threw 3 passes and completed 2. West had 6 more first downs about 10 more minutes time of possession and had a back rush for 185 yards. They ran all over us like they did Shelby. They had good line play and one back is probably 215 and fast. They have penalty issues some games but not bad against West.Make them in-fight...frustrate them...keep their offense off the field...and yes, be up a couple scores at half.