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    Grit n Grind : Championship Week breaking down Tarboro vs Corvian Community

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    Grit n Grind Week 10 : Recap WPA vs Warren Co and Quick Picks

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    Grit n Grind Week 8: Recap last week's games Tarboro vs Bertie and interview with Northern Nash Head Coach Farriss

    Grit n Grind Players , Primetime Game of the Week and Quick Picks
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    Grit n Grind Week 4: Recap of week 3 and Southwest Edgecombe vs Tarboro preview and more

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    Grit n Grind Week 3 : Talking Eastern NC High School Football

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    Grit n Grind : Talking Eastern NC High School Football

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    Grit n Grind : Week1 talking Eastern NC High School Football

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    Grit n Grind : Week 4 Talking Eastern NC High School Football

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    Grit n Grind Week 1 Talking Eastern NC High School Football